Mob Programming

Mob programming is “[a]ll the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and on the same computer” by @woodyzuill

Mob Programming Time-Lapse Video – A Day of Mob Programming

Watching this time-lapse video really gives a feeling how a day doing mob programming looks like.

Mob Programming: A Whole Team Approach

Woody Zuill is an agile coach who coined the term “Mob Programming”. He presents his experience of introducing and working with mob programming for over five years at a customer. Really entertaining to watch! I’ve already watched it twice, and I learnt a lot the second time, too.

Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd

Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd

I’d strongly recommend to read Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd before you apply mob programming yourself. It provides really good directions and tips how to do your first mob programming session. And it covers various issues beginners have with mob programming. So it’s really a good starting point. I often come back and read specific chapters again, too.

I did mob programming every day for 5 months. Here’s what I learnt.

This really detailed experience report gives you a feeling how it is to do mob programming for several months. From my personal experience, one has to learn to mob program.

The mob rules, ok?

Great article that describes the experience of remote mob programming and another way to implement it: mob only in the morning.


Simon has been mob programming since August 2018 and he doesn’t want to work in another way anymore.